Friday, January 24, 2020
My Addiction to Sugar Essay -- Sugar Addiction Study and Intervention
INTRODUCTION Sugar is considered a toxic poison. Sugar leaches the calcium out of the skeletal frame of a human’s body. Sugar literally sucks the calcium straight from our bones; therefore it is known to many as a â€Å"skeletal poisonous powder.†There are thousands of individuals struggling throughout the United States with sugar addiction. Sugar is a leading cause of a number of health-related issues. Sugar causes health issues such as, fibromyalgia, diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis. Like me, many individuals have no clue that they are addicted to sugar. Up until this single subject design, I thought my eating habits were quite normal. I honestly did not realize how much sugar I was taking in everyday. This single subject design has truly encouraged me to live a healthier lifestyle. The purpose of this study is to indirectly determine my sugar intake, by counting calories daily and reducing my caloric intake. LITERATURE REVIEW â€Å"Sugar addiction is a rapidly growing epidemic (Teitelbaum, 2010).†According to researchers, on average an individual consumes one-hundred pounds of sugar each year. Americans spend billions of dollars a year on gym memberships, healthy foods and beverages, and exercise equipment. Despite the economic strain, Americans continue to make room in their budgets for weight loss products. Exercising makes individuals feel healthier inside and out. Feeling healthier could possibly alter a person’s desire to eat healthier. Although exercise cannot cure a sugar addiction it could take one’s mind off eating sweets. Another benefit of exercising is the possibility of curving the urge for sugar. When an individual is hungry it makes their will power to resist sugar more difficult. Feeding ... ...9). Different in prevalence of obesity among black, white, and Hispanic adults-United States, 2006-2008. Morb. Mort. Weekly. Rep. 58, 740-744. Flegal, K. M., Carroll, M. D., Ogden, C. L., & Curtin, L. R. (2010). Prevalence and trends in obesity among U.S. adults, 1999-2008. Journal of Medical Association. 303, 235-241. Hyman, Mark. (2014). Sweet poison: How sugar, not cocaine, is one of the most addictive and dangerous substances. Daily News. Available at: (Accessed on 10 February 2014). James, D. C. S. (2013). Weight loss strategies used by African American women: possible implications for tailored messages. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 26, 71-77. Teitelbaum, Jacob. (2010). Sweet Relief. Better Nutrition Healthy Handbook. August 2010. 28-29.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Frankenstein †Golden Mean Archetype Essay
Throughout the last few chapters we have been reading, the perspective of our monster has shifted tremendously. At first, we viewed the creature as frightening and menacing. As the story continues, we base our view on the monster due to Victor’s aggressive behavior towards the creature, making us pity the poor monster as he has done nothing wrong; he is just lost in a new world, possibly experiencing culture shock. Now the creature is venturing out into the world, interacting with people other than Victor. â€Å"†¦for I never ventured abroad during daylight, fearful of meeting with the same treatment I had formerly endured in the first village which I entered†(106). After the monster encounters humans, people give the same reaction: fear. The monster comes baring no harm, but in fright, the citizens of the village run from him, scared of what might happen to them. This starts his increasing grudge against the humans. First, Victor rejects his appearance, oblivious to the being on the inside, now, complete strangers are neglecting him. His temper in steadily growing. â€Å"Was man, indeed, at once so powerful, so virtuous and magnificent, yet so vicious and base?†(107). After learning more history from his protectors, the creature is now questioning the characteristic change in man over the course of time. Back then, a creature of his nature might have been accepted, but now he is feared for his sole appearance. These events capture the imbalance in the golden mean because now the monster, once emotionally stable with his existence, is getting too angry and furious with the human race. The monster is now resembling Victor. Although he might not notice it, the monster is showing a strong connection between him and his creator through his actions. Both are seeking revenge and acting out through their anger. Now that the monster has built up the courage to confront the old blind man, by the name of De Lacy, he waits until Felix, Agatha, and Safie have left. He does not want to frighten them. Unfortunately, as he tries to speak with De Lacy, Felix and the others return. Upon Agatha fainting, and Safie running out of fear, â€Å"Felix darted forward, and with supernatural force tore me from this father, whose knees I cung; in a transport of fry, he dashed me to the ground and struck me violently with a stick†(123-124). The creature viewed the family and his own: his protectors. If they acted that way towards him, surely everyone else would too. Now, the monster’s revenge only increased. Soon enough, the creature is going to snap and lose control of his emotions. There is still some decency inside of the monster though. After witnessing an innocent girl downing, he saves her, despite his arising hate for humans. As a man comes and thinks that the monster is harming the girl, he shoots the creature, who had only tried to help. â€Å"The feelings of kindness and gentleness which I had entertained but a few moments before gave place to hellish rage and gnashing of teeth. Inflamed by pain, I vowed eternal hatred and vengeance to all mankind†(130). The spark inside of the monster triggers and rage flows through his body. Anger and revenge seep in and he now despises all human beings. The creature has terminated all tolerance for human beings, due to the everlasting hate he obtains from creatures so very similar to him. The golden mean has been violated extensively through the mistreatment of this poor creature. He has been nothing but joyous towards mankind, but in return he receives hate and pain, literally. The monster has no more patience or hope for the overturning emotions from humans. This eventually develops the motive for William’s murder, confessing to Victor the deviant act of not only the murder, but also of framing Justine.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Hpv Vaccine, The Cochrane Library, And Google Scholar
The literature search for this review was conducted using several databases including CINAHL, PubMed, the Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar. Search terms included â€Å" human papillomavirus vaccine†, â€Å" human papillomavirus†, â€Å"HPV†, â€Å" human papillomavirus safety and effectiveness†, â€Å"human papillomarvirus vaccination rates†, â€Å"HPV randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews†. Since licensure of the HPV vaccine in 2006, HPV vaccine coverage among US adolescents has increased but remains low compared with other recommended vaccines. Studies show that the influence of accurate information about vaccines is maximized when conveyed from provider to parent or patient and for parents, healthcare providers such as physicians or†¦show more content†¦In response to this serious health issue, more than 20 years of incremental research culminated in the development of HPV vaccines that elicit strong immunoge nic reactions without the risk of causing infection. A review of the literature has revealed that persistent infection with an oncogenic strain of HPV is the known cause of cervical cancer and of the 40 HPV types that affect the genital area, at least 15 types are known to be oncogenic or cancer causative (Armstrong, 2010). Based on clinical trials, HPV vaccination is effective against the occurrence of precancerous lesions and according to Armstrong (2010), studies of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine revealed a 98% protection against high-grade precancerous lesions, whereas for bivalent HPV vaccine 93% efficacy has been demonstrated in females to HPV 16 and 18 who completed the 3-dose vaccine series prior to engaging in any type of sexual actitivities. Cook et al (2010), acknowledges that there is no research available on long term efficiency of vaccines and also not everyone who initiates the vaccine series completes all 3 doses or completes all doses in the recommended 6-month ti me frame; this noncompliance and
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