Thursday, November 21, 2019

Art history- art of romanesque France Coursework

Art history- art of romanesque France - Coursework Example Latin fathers were Cyprian (bishop of Carthage), Tertullian Septimus, Ambrose the bishop of Milan, Jerome, Augustine, the bishop of Hippo and Gregory the great who was the bishop of Rome from 3rd September, 590 to death (Hughs, 2014). Their theological insights greatly shaped the course of the Christian history. These Latin fathers helped in understanding the Christian doctrine development throughout the millennia. Up to the modern era, their explorations of the scriptures have grounded biblical commentary (Lawrence, 2014). 3. Monasticism is whereby one renounces worldly pursuits to devote fully to Christian work. These included monks (male) and nuns (female). Monks and nuns accomplished many practical roles in the middle Ages. They nursed the sick, accommodated travelers, and assisted the poor. The abbots and abbesses offered advice to the secular rulers e.g. the monastery of Cluny under Abbot Odilo an abbot at the secular collegiate church of St. Martins at Tours (Hughs, 2014). Monasticism also offered the society a divine outlet and ideal with vital consequences for the medieval culture wholly. Monasteries also promoted learning, encouraged literacy as well as preserved the features of the ancient literature like the works of Virgil, Cicero, and Aristotle. Monastic composers also had a role in elevating the scope and complexity of choral music as well as creating the best environment for devotion (Lawrence, 2014). 4. The renaissance of the twelfth century had plenty of changes made at the outset of High Middle Ages including political, economic and social transformations with scientific and philosophical roots. The era is characterized by the rediscovery of ancient roman and Greek authors, a rebirth of classical learning as well as the Greek’s spirit of inquiry recovery (Lawrence, 2014). 1. As Duby wrote, in the medieval era, the pilgrimage routes were paths that were walked by kings, princes as well as ordinary peasants. As a result each town along the way

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