Sunday, December 22, 2019

My Personal Statement On My Life - 1085 Words

I entered my home after I dropped off my sons at camp and tossed my shoes off my feet, next to the dryer. This house was completely silent and I was left alone with my thoughts that nobody else could figure out but me. I went into my office and sat down in my chair, I came in here whenever I truly needed to think and today was one of those days. I needed to think and sort things out in my own head as to what was going on in my life and how I could take steps to move forward. â€Å"Hello† I heard as I sat back in my chair. I leaned up and in an instant I heard my doorbell ring. I stood up and made my way to the front door. I looked out the door and saw Mrs. Toy who had arrived on time for the appointment she had set with me earlier on today. I had completely forgotten that I told her that she could stop by and discuss her cheating husband. I’d been dealing with a being a cheater myself so maybe I would take the approach of getting inside of the cheater’s head to h elp them recognize their faults. I had practiced these kinds of conversations plenty of times with other married couples and even couples who were seeking to wed one another. I just never had the conversation with self. â€Å"Hello† I said as I opened the door to let her in. Mrs. Toy walked in and I shut the door behind her. I led her to my office where she turned completely around to examine the office. I watched as she played with long blonde hair and batted her ocean blue eyes at the pictures and degrees that hung onShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Statement On My Life869 Words   |  4 Pagescrazy how a minute detail can change the entire outcome a situation. Life has many hardships, I for one believe that it is these hardships that shapes us into what we are today. I was about ten years old but had the mentality of a four year old boy. Mostly cried when I was denied a toy or grounded for being mischievous. Like every other week I would grind my way into emotionally blackmail ing my parents to allow me to go to my friends place and then go the extra mile to stay as long as possible.Read MoreMy Personal Statement On My Life878 Words   |  4 PagesOne day when I came home from school, I wanted to say hello to my step dad but he was in the shower. Therefore, I went straight to my room without saying hello to him. After a few minutes I heard the shower turn off in the bathroom. When he opened the bathroom door I heard him yelling my name, so I quickly ran to him to see if he was ok.When I saw him he told me he did not feel good and could not walk. I told him to stop playing around because he always joked about his health. But he told me he wasRead MoreMy Personal Statement On My Life918 Words   |  4 Pagesreceiving my associate’s degree in applied science. My journey to obtain my associates has not been easy. Nevertheless, I am accomplishing my goal and over the moon to be doing so. I did not plan to get my associates, I had originally planned j ust to bypass it completely and move on to get a bachelor in biology, however my health had other plans in mind. My health complications forced me to change my perspective on my life and to reconstruct how I prioritized everything in my life. My dream is toRead MoreMy Personal Statement On My Life945 Words   |  4 Pagestennis practice, I saw my parents talking to each other in the same room; which was unusual, considering they have not spoken with each other since their divorce, and typically begin to argue when they communicate. They told me to have a seat on the pew of my piano because they had something important to address. My father had opened the conversation with one question: Do you know what you re going to do when we re no longer here to support you? I sat there contemplating what my answer will be, butRead MorePersonal Statement : My Life998 Words   |  4 Pages Personal Statement ï » ¿ ï » ¿ ï » ¿Ã¯ » ¿I was born in the historical city of Patiala, town in northern part of India. All my ancestors right until my father have been businessmen. Due to early demise of my Grandfather my father had to take over his clothing business in his early 20 s. He could not complete his studies due to responsibilities he had toRead MoreMy Personal Statement On My Life1110 Words   |  5 Pagesthrough the plethora of papers sitting on my desk, hoping to find the career pamphlet that tells me who I am and what I am supposed to be doing with my life, I realize that no one other than myself can answer â€Å"Who am I? Who am I in the process of becoming?† As I begin to map out my future in accordance with my interests and career goals, I realize how lending a helping hand and acting as role models for others have been an essential part of my daily life. I aspire to impact the lives of others, asRead MoreMy Personal Statement On My Life1002 Words   |  5 PagesOnce I’d made my list it took me a while to become willing. Just as doing anything about my drinking or my character defects, my willingness to make proper amends only came when I was hurting, when I was disturbed enough to become willing to do something about it. That my drinking, character defects and harms done affected other people was no prompt to get me into action. I became motivated not because an amend was due but because I was hurting. Am I selfish, self-seeking and self-centred? Yes youRead MoreMy Personal Statement On My Life1526 Words   |  7 PagesThe light from the warm sun streamed through the blinds and bounced off my eyelids as my obnoxious alarm yelled to me that it was time for school. I refused to believe that I had to awake from my fantasy dreams and move out of my heavenly bed, so I aggressively snagged my phone to press snooze, for the fifth time of course. Getting up for school has always been a dying task for me. The thought of leaving my toasty hot blankets and actually getting ready to go to a place that looked like a filthyRead MoreMy Personal Statement On My Life1374 Words   |  6 Pagesdo anything I put my mind to if I was willing to put forth the effort. My parents played the essential role of providing resources that would instill a good work ethic and passion in me. While my options are limitless, I have spent most of my academic career preparing me for a future in scientific research and academia. Enumerable factors have molded me into the passionate person that I am today, so the answer to â€Å"Who are you?† is not simple but is rather a culmination of life experiences. I learnedRead MoreMy Personal Statement On My Life872 Words   |  4 Pagesthat adds to my identity is that I am a female, long hair, voice, and I wear makeup. I feel like it is also obvious that I have anxiety. I tend to exhibit a lot of anxious actions and I believe that is pretty easy for people to spot out. My parental duties make me feel different. I have two children, (Maelee, Kyrie) one of which has a lot of medical issues and autism. I feel different compared to the other parents because when I attend public functions, I usually can only take my youngest daughter

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