Sunday, August 23, 2020
THE ALTERNATIVE CITY Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
THE ALTERNATIVE CITY - Term Paper Example The fundamental desire of Hammar Sjostad organizers was to expand the city, so as to fulfill the developing need for urban living. Extension of downtown area was additionally done to meet Sweden recognized natural, vitality, social and conservative objectives for what's to come. In answer to natural and different powers, the Swedish government expressed that it needed to build up the idea of a â€Å"green government assistance state,†where everybody lives in great lodging, sensible expense, and secure condition inside a drawn out reasonable structure. The earth program in the city was politically determined making it spread to a worldwide unbelievable viable program (Ahlroth, 2011). The program included focuses for refinement, utilization of Brownfield land, demoralizing utilization of vehicles and giving open vehicle choices, vitality utilization and reusing of water and waste. Reusing of vitality, waste and water the executives was grown together by Stockholm Water Company, Birka Enrgy and the City of Stockholm squander the executives department. In Hammarby Sjostad city, the sewage water is reused and filtered everywhere sewage plants and the waste reused into flammable gas, which is diverted to be utilized as a vitality hotspot for the locale (Ahlroth, 2011). Filtration process produces heat, which is reused for use at neighborhood-warming units. Hammarly Sjostad city has its own sewage treatment focus where supplements from the sewage are reused and utilized in agrarian land. The city the executives ensures that all ignitable waste items are reused into heat vitality to be utilized in condos. The point of the organizers of hammarby Sjostad city is to limit ecological contamination and expand the utilization of waste items created by city occupants. Transport framework is basic for another city achievement. Organizers of Hammarly Sjostad considered the coordination of an ace travel intend to meet social and natural tension of the venture (Ahlroth, 2 011). Open vehicle is urged to ease clogs in the city by private vehicles. The utilization of many vehicle advancements has made Hammarly Sjostad city open. There is a ship interface framework, which takes individuals over the lake and it goes through from morning to 12 PM. Organizers of Hammarly Sjostad objectives were to structure a city that is novel. The objective was to make a private situation dependent on viable asset utilization, where vitality utilization and waste items are diminished while asset sparing and reusing simultaneously expanded. The city’s authority put forth attempts to meet the populace increment in Stockholm, and had the option to bring top notch lodging onto the market when request was expanding. Great arranging acquired exclusive expectations plan quality and natural execution of the structure (Ahlroth, 2011). Arranging application in Sjostad depends on the existence cycle cost investigation henceforth making it less difficult to legitimize higher s tarting interest in great performing building plans. The warming, transport and waste assortment frameworks were wanted to cooperate to decrease the measure of vitality and assets required to keep up them over the long haul (Ahlroth, 2011). Hammarly city arranging organization anticipated that inhabitants would be more established individuals and after culmination of condo squares, individuals moving in were youthful families. The improvement didn't meet its objective for vehicle proprietors as a result of constrained parking spots. References
Friday, August 21, 2020
Shermans March essays
Shermans March expositions Sherman and his 105,000 Union troopers walked through Georgia and into the Carolinas during the time of March. Sherman trusted his walk to the ocean would bring down the Confederates assurance and help win the war. Sherman and his men started their walk in Dalton, Georgia on November 16 of a year ago. Sherman at that point spread his military out to a fifty-mile wide distance across and headed towards Atlanta, Georgia. Sherman's men incorporated the Army of the Cumberland, the Army of the Tennessee, and the Army of the Ohio. On March 19 General Johnston assaulted one of Sherman's propelling segments. Sherman's men rearranged and Johnston's men chilled out. Sherman and his men followed not far behind. Because of poor climate and soaked streets, the interest was eased back down. General Betonville Johnston posted his Confederate Army of Tennessee in Dalton, Georgia. Sherman at that point sent his men around the Confederate's left flank. May 12, 1864 Johnston withdrew and dropped fifteen miles south to Reseca, Georgia and took another solid position. Sherman again made a left flanking move. Johnston again maintained a strategic distance from Sherman's assault and traveled south to Altoona, Georgia . In only one month Sherman and his men had voyage eighty miles in quest for Johnston. There was continuos battling between the different sides, however there were no enormous fights or overwhelming losses. On June 27, Sherman by and by assaulted Johnston at Kennesaw Mountain. Association troops were rebuffed with 2,000 slaughtered and injured. Johnston endured with 5,000 losses. Sherman by and by moved into a flanking move, yet Johnston withdrew. By early July, Johnston had moved back to the edges of Atlanta. Sherman at that point moved into a sickle, going up against Johnston toward the northwest, west, and southwest. On July 17, Jefferson Davis eased Johnston of his obligations and supplanted him with General John B. Hood. On July 20 and 22, General Hood sent his men to strike Sherman's lines, however the two assaults were shocked. On July 28, ... <!
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Social constructivism Essay - 275 Words
Social constructivism (Essay Sample) Content: HYPERLINK "/sys/orders/view/612518" \o "social constructionism" \t "_blank" SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONISMName Subject Date Social constructivism is basically a sociological term of knowledge which applies the universal idealistic constructivism into social environments, wherein groups or teams construct knowledge for themselves, collaboratively making a small culture of collective meanings and shared artifacts. Normally, when an individual is engrossed within such a culture, he or she is actually learning all the time on the way to be part and parcel of that kind of culture on various levels.Social constructivism and social constructionism are sociological hypothesis of knowledge which actually considers the way social phenomena in social contexts develops. Within constructionist point of view, social construction actually is a practice or concept that is the creation of a specific group as it has already been stated. Social constructs are commonly known to be the by-pr oducts (frequently unconscious or unintended) of countless human choices but not laws that actually result from nature or divine will. This is actually not taken to mean a radical anti-determinism. Social constructionism is normally opposed to essentialism, which actually defines particular aspects instead in the respect of transhistorical essences free of conscious beings that decide the definite structure of reality.Furthermore, a major emphasis of social constructionism is actually to expose the ways in which groups and individuals take part in the formation of their alleged social reality. It entails looking at the manner in which social phenomena are institutionalized, created, and turned into tradition by humans themselves. Socially constructed realities are viewed as a continuing, dynamic process; while reality is actually reproduced by individuals acting on their knowledge and interpretations of it. Social constructivism therefore refers to a persons making connotation or sense of knowledge in a social context. For this reason, social constructivism is usually expressed as a psychological construct. During the 1970s, social constructionist theory underwent some alteration as constructionist sociologists turned to the Michel Foucaults work as a turn to the social sciences was being worked out in practice. Actually, this aspect had a particular effect on the development sociology of science as well as the rising field of technology. In particular, Steve Woolgar employed social constructionism specifically to mean what science has actually grouped as objective facts particularly to the social construction processes; with the objective of indicating that human subjectivity actually forces itself on the facts that people take to be objective and not exclusively the other way around. Similarly, Social Constructionism actually shaped studies of technology - particularly on the technology used in business. Despite its general view as objective, mathematic s is actually not immune to the accounts of social constructivists. Social constructivism guarantees that the knowledge that is gained has an explanation and a true source in society. An advantage as there is no doubt in the knowledge source researchers; having society as the definitive source can actually not be refuted in the constructivist paradigm. On the contrary, is that in the paradigm positivist the same knowledge can actually become questioned or distorted which can basically be damaging. Furthermore, using the social constructivist approach permits for ease in the studying groups. This approach is usually grounded on the foundation that formation of knowledge is a product of the society. Whilst on the opposite, it is nearly impracticable to exclusively study an individual or groups of people using the approach. Besides, in order to ascertain the knowledge sources of individuals, one must ultimately look outside individuals as well as towards the society. Thus the person carrying out the study will not be able to entirely study individuals using the approach, since all individuals are ...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Research Process Of Interviews, Observation And Analysis
The research process of interviews, observation and analysis took place between 3rd April and 12th April, for about nine days. Interview was taken face-to-face with all the individuals. Before having face to face interviews, two short survey questionnaire was asked to fill out by each of the individual of the team. This was a bit challenging part since it was essential that this questionnaire is completed at the same time, so that the findings obtained from each one of them is regarded as equal. Majority of the times the individual interviews took place at an isolated place in order to ensure that the respondents can answer freely without any pressure, and each one of them was made sure that their responses would be used solely for the purpose of research in the paper. All the respondents answered the questions openly without any sort of hesitation or problems. Almost all the interviews took somewhere between 15-20 minutes on an average. However, it did go to around 30 minutes when the Founder was interviewed in the very beginning. The first few days were initially spent observing and analyzing the behavior of the individuals towards each other, and towards the newest member of the team. After observing and noticing few important elements since over the past 5 days, individual interviews were held on 7th and 8th April as and when the respondents became available, generally during breaks between their works. As I familiarized my research work more and more to theShow MoreRelatedQualitative Research Essay1628 Words  | 7 PagesQualitative Research in Nursing Date of last revision : January 28, 2011 â€Å"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts†-Albert Einstein INTRODUCTION †¢ Qualitative research methods have become increasingly important as ways of developing nursing knowledge for evidence-based nursing practice. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Personal Statement On Depression And Depression Essay
I Wadnesha Cherry am expounding on my case in reference to depression claim. Having constant agony implies numerous things change, and a great deal of them is undetectable. Not at all like having disease or being harmed in a mischance, a great many people don t see even somewhat about ceaseless agony and its belongings, and of those that think they know numerous are really misguided. In the soul of advising the individuals who wish to comprehend that these are the things that I might want, for you to comprehend about me under the watchful eye of you judge me in light of the fact that my handicap has been enabling me to keep solid employment. My foot swells on a day to day basis regardless of the medications that I have been prescribed by the VA for pain and swelling. The continuously swelling of my foot enables me to be the woman and the mother that I need to be for my children. It is hard doing things with my children because most of the time I am in so much pain. Because of this pain I really feel less than a woman and a mother because I cannot give to my children the way an able bodied person is able to give to their children. My children miss out on a lot because of my disability not being able to interact with them being in so much pain. They also miss out on a lot because I can’t work and be productive. I can’t stand for long periods of time, and when I do my foot swells which leads to lower back pains, When I wash dishes I have to take a break and then go sit downShow MoreRelatedReaction Paper to Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness1000 Words  | 4 Pagesliterary work â€Å"Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness†writes from a very personal viewpoint of the symptoms and the impact of depression, particularly on his own life. Not only his life in general, but how it impacted his social and emotional relationships with others and even the effect on his own self-image. 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How Emotions Influence Decision-Making free essay sample
To express too much anger or happiness, could be because of pressure that does not allow individuals to be themselves and results in a society that does not learn how to have unique ideas or critically think. It is difficult to believe that a government would control a society by forcing them to burn books which deprives them of gaining knowledge and wisdom. In both the book, Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury, and the movie, Pleasantville directed by Gary Ross, the citizens struggle with self-identity, but the moods are very different in each society. Pleasantville is a Utopian society where nobody fought and wives were always trying to make their husbands happy, which is in contrast to Fahrenheit 451, a Dystopian society in which Montag and Mildred are a good example of a couple that did not love each other and was not happy. In contrast, the society in Fahrenheit 451 are miserable versus in Pleasantville where they are happy, but similarly, each society conforms to living routine lives by conforming to rules which end in dissatisfaction, people being demeaned, and a loss in their identity. We will write a custom essay sample on How Emotions Influence Decision-Making or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In Fahrenheit 451, the people are ruled by a law that books can not be read or else they will be burned, which consequently, deprives them of learning about their past history or thinking critically. The people are afraid of further knowledge and not following the law so they continue to be ignorant. Unfortunately, this creates a dystopian society of miserable and depressed people who are dissatisfied with their lives. When Beatty said, â€Å"Many sports for everyone†¦.†this seems to show how people keep going about their business day after day without any emotion which is a sign of dissatisfaction. Likewise, Mildred who was Montag’s wife was very consumed with watching television all day long and really did not care about anyone or anything else. Watching television all day can make you lazy and does nothing to stimulate your mind. This supports why Mildred was dissatisfied with her life, and why she was depressed and tried to commit suicide.which deprived the people of In today’s society people are always considered stereotypical. The people who take an alternate route are considered different in the publics eyes. both make it very evident that society is scripted and never goes with the flow. This takes away from peoples emotions and they just seem like robots. Their society is like living life inside of a box and anyone who goes outside of the box is considered forbidden. they shame on them. In both the book and the movie it confronts the problem and is very easily depicted.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essays (1268 words) -
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Annonymous Everyone has control over something. Whether it be themselves, someone else, or a possession, they have control. Throughout the play Macbeth, written by Shakespeare, Macbeth is controlled by three witches and also his wife. Macbeth has a free will to choose to do what he wants but he frequently chooses to do what others want or predict of him. In Act I, Scene iii, Macbeth cant withhold himself from knowing more of what the witches have to predict. He says to them, Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more.(73) This is where the witches begin to gain control over Macbeth, we know this because he doesnt want them to leave and wants to know more about what he will become. When Macbeth finds out what the witches have predicted of him is coming true, he becomes stunned. He then begins to think of how he will be king, and all the prophecies will be won. Macbeth makes an aside saying, Two truths are told as happy prologues to the swelling act of the imperial theme. (I, iii, 140) Here Macbeth is falling into the trap of the witches by realizing that he will be able to conquer the quest of becoming king. It seems like Macbeth is someone who always gets what he wants, this greed that he has causes a problem. He wants to become king, but others stand in his way, such as Banquo, Fleance, and Macduff. He says in Act I, Scene iv, to Banquo, If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir. (157) He knows that he has done nothing to become Thane of Glamis, so he doesnt have to do anything to become king. At this point it seems that Macbeth feels it is destiny for him to be king but it soon changes to his free will. Like stated before, Macbeth thought he had done nothing to become Thane of Glamis but, he had. Macbeth had chopped the king of Norways head off during battle. This shows that in order for Macbeth to have gained Thane of Glamis he must kill. When he realizes this, he comes to find out that he will have to get rid of those in his way by killing them to become king. This is when he switches from destiny to free will. The prophecies then become a mind game to him and he struggles with his conscious between doing right and wrong. He then strides to make what the witches prophesized true. Lady Macbeth first takes control over her husband in Act I, Scene v. She tells Macbeth that they will kill Duncan during his sleep. She says to Macbeth, O, never shall sun that morrow see! He thats coming must be provided for and you shall put this nights great business into my dispatch (71-80) Macbeth agrees with his wife when he answers back to her, This shows that he will proceed with the killing because he wants to become king and will do anything he can to make the prophecies true. Macbeth has a strong intuition to kill, and nothing will stop him. Its like he is under a spell from the witches and has to make what they predicted come true. He knows that killing is wrong but he wants to be king. During a soliloquy, Macbeth states, I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which oerleaps itself and falls on th other (I, vii, 25) Macbeth knows that killing is wrong but, his wanting to be king is so strong that he will do anything to become king. Here he is under total control by the witches, we know this because he will not give up his quest to become king. Another example of Macbeth being controlled is when Macbeth says that he will go through with the plan and kill Duncan. He says, I go, and it is done.(II, I, 75) He cant stop himself from wanting to be king, his greed is so strong that he chooses to do wrong and kills Duncan. Here Macbeth is struggling with himself to choose between right and wrong, his evil thoughts overpower his goodness
Monday, March 16, 2020
101 Library Research Day Professor Ramos Blog
101 Library Research Day WordPress Library Research Notes Today we are meeting in the Crafton Library computer room. Librarian Krista Ivy will be teaching us how to research. In the Crafton Hills website go to the library link. Crafton Hills Library Databases You can search for books, ebooks, reference books, and articles. Use the EBSCO Academic Search Complete database under interdisciplinary section Find your keywords to search effectively in the databases. Example topic: the rising costs of textbooks Keywords: textbooks, cost, price, course reserves Search the keywords you came up with for your topic. Limit the results to full texts and scholarly. Can also limit the results to current publication date, depending on your topic. Boolean Terms Use the Boolean search terms to help narrow your search results AND, OR, or NOT Read the abstract, summary, and/or introduction of the article you are considering to see if it is useful and relevant to what you are researching. WordPress Sign up for
Saturday, February 29, 2020
African-American Vernacular English vs Standard English in Mule Bone
African-American Vernacular English vs Standard English in 'Mule Bone' The Negros universal mimicry is not so much a thing in itself as an evidence of something that permeates his entire self. And that thing is drama. (Hurston, 830) In her own words, Hurston captures the gritty picture she paints in the highly disputed early 20th century drama, Mule Bone, co-written by fellow Harlem renaissance icon Langston Hughes. Mule Bone is set in a fictionalized version of Hurstons hometown, an all black community in Eatonville, Florida where she spent the early years of her teen life living with her father following her mothers death. Hurstons earliest memoirs indicate that the Eatonville of her childhood, much like the Eatonville of the stage, had two churches and no jail. Based on the short story A Bone of Contention which Hurston penned in 1929, Mule Bone draws heavily from Hurstons anthropological work which she compiled from visits to all black communities in the southern United States. Hughes and Hurston collaboratively worked A Bone of Contention into a ru nning dialogue set for the stage, however; this project would eventually tear the two authors apart after discrepancies in the text became insurmountable. As a piece of social criticism, Mule Bone is much like other comedies, however; the high level of diction stemming from what linguistic scholars have recently named African-American vernacular English (AAVE) set a new standard in realism for African-Americans on stage. Standard English (SE) has been studied in volume after volume of deep structure analysis and lexical origins, only recently has AAVE received the same attention in the form of through analysis that SE has enjoyed for years. Researchers have found the main differences between AAVE and SE lie in subtle rule changes. Where AAVE allows for consonant cluster reduction, the absence of the copula, invariant or habitual forms of to be, time reference markers, and multiple negation (Mufwene, 1) SE does not have such allowances. So much of Hurstons voice relies on the accurate portrayal of AAVE. A voice which Holloway describes as recursive; it begins, it names, it activates, it calls us back to a primal ground. (Holloway, 113) Hurston was striving to write a dialogue which, until this point, had been poorly recorded and often stereotyped African-Americans as dim-witted, primitive and wild. In her highly acclaimed anthropological essay Characteristics of Negro Expression, Hurston sums up the realization of a pure black dialect and comments on the unnatural dialogue credited to the Negro so far: If we are to believe the majority of the writers of Negro dialect and the burnt-cork artists, Negro speech is a weird thing, full of ams and Ises. Fortunately we dont have to believe them. We may go directly to the Negro and let him speak for himself. (Hurston, 845-846) Dialect is a term linguists struggle to define as one cannot set firm boundaries around a shapeless, often regional form of speech. Tracing history and the introduction of Africans to America, researchers have roughly sketched out the origins of what is now covered by the umbrella label AAVE. Originally Pidgin French (later known as Creole) and Pidgin English were derived from Portuguese. These languages were spread to West Africa, and the first African-Asian trade involving the west Pacific, including India, China, and later Hawaii, brought the seeds of African-American English all across the globe. Charles S. Johnson, a prominent scholar of African-American English surmised that Negro dialect turns out to be a repository for the seventeenth century speech of the first English colonizers, (Dillard, 39) this theory, along with others that rely on berating African-American culture as the white mans castoff, fell by the wayside as more scientific research was done on the structure of A AVE; revealing the blending of both native tongues and new forms of Pidgin English as the origins of African-American English in the United States. Deeply seeded in the Portuguese origins from which AAVE seems to have stemmed is the fundamental difference most noticeable to most SE speakers. Dillard examines a sentence such as: An so I comin down an she out there blabbin her mouth told my sister I was playin hookey from school. In which, he explains, there are no lexical anomalies from SE, nor any alien forms, although sometimes usage is casual and illiterate, it follows many of the same conventions as does SE. (Dillard, 40) However, it is the syntactical analysis of AAVE that reveals the most information. Dillard points out that an obligatory category in SE: verb tense, can be ignored in what he refers to as, Black English. While it is interesting to peruse these volumes of thoroughly dissected AAVE, it is important to remember Hurston and Hughes goal in penning Mule Bone; the accurate portrayal of the language of life in a racially un-oppressed southern black community. Hurston failed to capture the elusive dialect in perfect written form, insofar as researchers are concerned, as often she substitutes more readily recognizable structures in place of the hard to read, more accurate written compositions, which she could have transcribed from tapes gathered during her anthropological studies. None the less, Hurston and Hughes managed to convey the sounds of AAVE, its subtle inflections and outlandish expressions, which in consideration of the theatrical backdrop Mule Bone enjoyed, remains of higher importance than their choice of spelling. Hughes seems to have played a lesser role in designating the reality of dialogue in Mule Bone as critics have commented on other literary work he published as stale, flat, and spiritless. (Redding, 73) Further examination of his literary track record reveals that as Hughes matured and evolved as a human being, so did his writing. One critics nostalgic view of Hughes reveals the disgust within a literary niche in response to his stronghold on his roots. While Hughess rejection of his own growth shows an admirable loyalty to his self-commitment as the poet of the simple, Negro common-folk the peasant, the laborer, the city slum-dweller, it does a disservice to his art. (Redding, 74) This diehard image of the common black man is the cornerstone of the Mule Bone community, and an important role Hughes facilitated transcribing A Bone of Contention into a feasible piece of dramatic text. Within Mule Bone, concrete examples of Hurston and Hughess regionalized diction are plenteous, the play is written strictly in dialect. Breaking these forms of speech into appropriate categories is essential in an analysis of the text. Hurston reveals in Characteristics of Negro Expression, that the most basic language is one which relies on comparisons, rather than extensive descriptions to elaborate meaning. She supposes the inherent ease of parallelisms as the natural form from which all other descriptive speech is derived. And in doing so, Hurston recognizes African-Americans as the contributors of broad, often natural similes and metaphors, the double descriptive (such as high-tall, little-tee-ninchy, kill-dead), and verbal nouns (such as funeralize, puts the shamery on him, and uglying away) to the English language. (Hurston, 832-833) Mule Bone is packed full of these elements, a few examples of the co-authors awareness to the vivid language associated with similes are as follows: Id beat her till she smell like onions. (Bass, 52) Id stomp her till she rope like okra. (Bass, 52) Id romp her till she slack like lime. (Bass, 52) The first example is self explanatory, however the second and third are a bit more elusive in their meaning. Okra is a non-native English word introduced by African-Americans, one of the dozen or so words researchers formally recognize as African in origin, and refers to a particular kind of vegetable. The meaning is derived from the strings of gooey sap exuded by cooked okra when its eaten. Hurstons simile paints the picture of a beating so severe; one might be left oozing blood. Slack like lime is a term which has apparently fallen by the wayside, as no formal explanation seems to exist. Smell like a nest of yellowhammers was another elusive term, yellowhammers are a type of bird, however; there is little to no evidence that shows any connection between the two. The characters within Mule Bone relate everything to a grounded understanding of their world. Every description involves something physical; a tangible piece of their surroundings that fundamentally represents the implied meaning. As an example, in the opening lines, Hambo retorts that his baldness doesnt matter because he dont want nothin-not even hair-between (he) and God. (Bass, 49) The description of old Brazzles mule lends itself nicely as an example of the physical aspect of everyday speech. He was so skinny you could do a weeks washing on his ribs for a washboard and hang em up on his hip-bones to dry. (Bass, 53) Or, Clarkes description of Daisy a great big mangoa sweet smell, you know, with a strong flavor, but not something you could mash up like a strawberry. Something with a body to it. (Bass, 60) Several languages of West Africa denote the creation of man to a God beating a drum; the shockwaves of each beat resonating throughout mankind. This kind of primal being, a connection with the physical universe, comes to life as Hurston examines this feeling as related to African-American dance, she says: The performer flexes one knee sharply, assumes a ferocious face mask, thrusts the upper part of the body forward with clenched fists, elbows taut as in hard running or grasping a thrusting blade. That is all. Bit the spectator himself adds the picture of ferocious assault, hears the drums and finds himself keeping time with the music and tensing himself for the struggle. It is compelling insinuation. (Hurston, 835) This to Hurston is the embodiment of drama. Fundamentally, Hurston feels as though African-Americans are drama. She feels as though each aspect of the Negro life is dramatized, lifted above the mundane, and enacted, not lived. In conclusion, studying the development of AAVE in conjunction with the changing social atmosphere of the Harlem renaissance and the conversion of Hurstons short story to a dramatic work, has greatly increased the significance of the text as a piece of self-proclamation for the African-American in the early 20th century. The combination of Hurstons anthropological experience and Hughess steadfast hold on his culture reaches new heights in the realization of a true to life representation of African-American life. Place was important to Zora Neale Hurston-she would spend most of her adult life in search of a place she could claim as her own-one that would support, with fervor equal to hers, her cultural nationalism, that would respect the legacies represented in the voices that she recorded-voices that evidenced the traditions of the world. (Holloway, 113) Holloway touches upon an important conclusion one comes to in viewing Mule Bone as a text among many others. Hurston and Hughes strove to find a place among the Zekes of The Octoroon and the Jupiters of Poes The Gold Bug, and succeeded wildly. The dialect of each character in Mule Bone lends itself to the subtle twisting and careful crafting applied by the co-authors. In a way, Hurston and Hughes celebrate themselves in the colorful use of dialect. To close, Holloway sums up the atmosphere one gets a feel for with this use of dialect, she says, (it) speaks of the primacy of the word, the instrumentation of literary talent and the metaphorical adornment of a culture that recaptures myth on its tongue and uses the adornment to represent itself as black. (Holloway, 115) Works Cited Bass, George Hurston, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., eds. Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston: Mule Bone: A comedy of Negro Life. New York: Perennial, 1991. Dillard, J.L.. Black English: Its History and Usage in the United States. New York: Random House, 1972. Holloway, Karla F.C., ed. The Character of the Word: The Texts of Zora Neale Hurston. New York: Greenwood Press, 1987. Hurston, Zora Neale. Characteristics of Negro Expression. Wall, Cheryl A., comp. Zora Neale Hurston: Folklore, memoirs, and other writings. New York: The Library of America, 1995. Mufwene, Salikoko S., John R. Rickford, Guy Bailey, John Baugh, eds. African-American English: Structure, history and use. London: Routledge, 1998. Redding, Saunders. Old Forms, New Rhythms, New Words. Mullen, Edward J., comp. Critical Essays on Langston Hughes. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Citizens and globalization Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Citizens and globalization - Term Paper Example Globalization can also be said to be as the intensification of the worldwide social activities which has been linked to economic and social activities of the economies (MacGillivray, 2006). The goal of globalization is to provide business world an utmost competitive advantage while having low operating cost to gain worldwide consumers, goods and services. Globalisation uses the diversification phenomenon for the use of resources. It is a strategy that provides a long range of products and services. It enables businesses to compete worldwide by diversification because it includes risk reduction in international trade. It promotes economic growth and performance for a nation. Looking at these factors it can be said that the people around the world do not resist globalisation. It is not a new factor even it has an economic roots i.e. international trade, finance, migration and ideology. The people as the members of the society as the consumers should behave positively with respect to globalization as this gives them the advantage to have a varity of goods and services from around the world (Ilmberger & Robinson, 2002). Globalization also involves innovation due to the commercialization of national technology across international boundaries that is high tech products (includes all electronic, electrical products etc.), all this helps consumers to have better goods and services and take the advantage of technology which is not available locally. Globalisation boosts international travel and tourism indirectly due to the international business. Immigration between countries, formation of free trade zones, growth of cross cultural contacts, enhancement in worldwide culture etc. is increasing due to the globalisation. This is leading to the improvement in the cultural and business practices of the nations and developing people and their business. As the consumer the people are getting advantage of getting different products and services which they have
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Applied business research-week 9 and week 10 Essay
Applied business research-week 9 and week 10 - Essay Example Salary depends on age and years since they are within the .05 significance level. However, it does not depend on beauty. Hence, beauty is an irrelevant factor in salary determination and can as well be eliminated. Age is normally distributed since its skewness is .362 while its kurtosis is 3.49. Moreover, years is normally distributed since its skewness is .348 while its kurtosis is .536. similarly, beauty is normally distributed as it has a skewness of -.004 and kurtosis is .480 values that are close to zero. 7. The R2 is .184. This value indicates the proportion of variance in the salary_2 that can be explained by beauty, years and age in the model. Apparently, beauty, years and age, which are the independent variables, explain 18.4% of the variability of salary_2, which is the dependent variable. 9. Age and years are significant coefficients as their p value is less than .05. Every increase of an average of 1 year in the number of years that a woman is a model is associated with 0.9% increase in
Friday, January 24, 2020
My Addiction to Sugar Essay -- Sugar Addiction Study and Intervention
INTRODUCTION Sugar is considered a toxic poison. Sugar leaches the calcium out of the skeletal frame of a human’s body. Sugar literally sucks the calcium straight from our bones; therefore it is known to many as a â€Å"skeletal poisonous powder.†There are thousands of individuals struggling throughout the United States with sugar addiction. Sugar is a leading cause of a number of health-related issues. Sugar causes health issues such as, fibromyalgia, diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis. Like me, many individuals have no clue that they are addicted to sugar. Up until this single subject design, I thought my eating habits were quite normal. I honestly did not realize how much sugar I was taking in everyday. This single subject design has truly encouraged me to live a healthier lifestyle. The purpose of this study is to indirectly determine my sugar intake, by counting calories daily and reducing my caloric intake. LITERATURE REVIEW â€Å"Sugar addiction is a rapidly growing epidemic (Teitelbaum, 2010).†According to researchers, on average an individual consumes one-hundred pounds of sugar each year. Americans spend billions of dollars a year on gym memberships, healthy foods and beverages, and exercise equipment. Despite the economic strain, Americans continue to make room in their budgets for weight loss products. Exercising makes individuals feel healthier inside and out. Feeling healthier could possibly alter a person’s desire to eat healthier. Although exercise cannot cure a sugar addiction it could take one’s mind off eating sweets. Another benefit of exercising is the possibility of curving the urge for sugar. When an individual is hungry it makes their will power to resist sugar more difficult. Feeding ... ...9). Different in prevalence of obesity among black, white, and Hispanic adults-United States, 2006-2008. Morb. Mort. Weekly. Rep. 58, 740-744. Flegal, K. M., Carroll, M. D., Ogden, C. L., & Curtin, L. R. (2010). Prevalence and trends in obesity among U.S. adults, 1999-2008. Journal of Medical Association. 303, 235-241. Hyman, Mark. (2014). Sweet poison: How sugar, not cocaine, is one of the most addictive and dangerous substances. Daily News. Available at: (Accessed on 10 February 2014). James, D. C. S. (2013). Weight loss strategies used by African American women: possible implications for tailored messages. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 26, 71-77. Teitelbaum, Jacob. (2010). Sweet Relief. Better Nutrition Healthy Handbook. August 2010. 28-29.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Frankenstein †Golden Mean Archetype Essay
Throughout the last few chapters we have been reading, the perspective of our monster has shifted tremendously. At first, we viewed the creature as frightening and menacing. As the story continues, we base our view on the monster due to Victor’s aggressive behavior towards the creature, making us pity the poor monster as he has done nothing wrong; he is just lost in a new world, possibly experiencing culture shock. Now the creature is venturing out into the world, interacting with people other than Victor. â€Å"†¦for I never ventured abroad during daylight, fearful of meeting with the same treatment I had formerly endured in the first village which I entered†(106). After the monster encounters humans, people give the same reaction: fear. The monster comes baring no harm, but in fright, the citizens of the village run from him, scared of what might happen to them. This starts his increasing grudge against the humans. First, Victor rejects his appearance, oblivious to the being on the inside, now, complete strangers are neglecting him. His temper in steadily growing. â€Å"Was man, indeed, at once so powerful, so virtuous and magnificent, yet so vicious and base?†(107). After learning more history from his protectors, the creature is now questioning the characteristic change in man over the course of time. Back then, a creature of his nature might have been accepted, but now he is feared for his sole appearance. These events capture the imbalance in the golden mean because now the monster, once emotionally stable with his existence, is getting too angry and furious with the human race. The monster is now resembling Victor. Although he might not notice it, the monster is showing a strong connection between him and his creator through his actions. Both are seeking revenge and acting out through their anger. Now that the monster has built up the courage to confront the old blind man, by the name of De Lacy, he waits until Felix, Agatha, and Safie have left. He does not want to frighten them. Unfortunately, as he tries to speak with De Lacy, Felix and the others return. Upon Agatha fainting, and Safie running out of fear, â€Å"Felix darted forward, and with supernatural force tore me from this father, whose knees I cung; in a transport of fry, he dashed me to the ground and struck me violently with a stick†(123-124). The creature viewed the family and his own: his protectors. If they acted that way towards him, surely everyone else would too. Now, the monster’s revenge only increased. Soon enough, the creature is going to snap and lose control of his emotions. There is still some decency inside of the monster though. After witnessing an innocent girl downing, he saves her, despite his arising hate for humans. As a man comes and thinks that the monster is harming the girl, he shoots the creature, who had only tried to help. â€Å"The feelings of kindness and gentleness which I had entertained but a few moments before gave place to hellish rage and gnashing of teeth. Inflamed by pain, I vowed eternal hatred and vengeance to all mankind†(130). The spark inside of the monster triggers and rage flows through his body. Anger and revenge seep in and he now despises all human beings. The creature has terminated all tolerance for human beings, due to the everlasting hate he obtains from creatures so very similar to him. The golden mean has been violated extensively through the mistreatment of this poor creature. He has been nothing but joyous towards mankind, but in return he receives hate and pain, literally. The monster has no more patience or hope for the overturning emotions from humans. This eventually develops the motive for William’s murder, confessing to Victor the deviant act of not only the murder, but also of framing Justine.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Hpv Vaccine, The Cochrane Library, And Google Scholar
The literature search for this review was conducted using several databases including CINAHL, PubMed, the Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar. Search terms included â€Å" human papillomavirus vaccine†, â€Å" human papillomavirus†, â€Å"HPV†, â€Å" human papillomavirus safety and effectiveness†, â€Å"human papillomarvirus vaccination rates†, â€Å"HPV randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews†. Since licensure of the HPV vaccine in 2006, HPV vaccine coverage among US adolescents has increased but remains low compared with other recommended vaccines. Studies show that the influence of accurate information about vaccines is maximized when conveyed from provider to parent or patient and for parents, healthcare providers such as physicians or†¦show more content†¦In response to this serious health issue, more than 20 years of incremental research culminated in the development of HPV vaccines that elicit strong immunoge nic reactions without the risk of causing infection. A review of the literature has revealed that persistent infection with an oncogenic strain of HPV is the known cause of cervical cancer and of the 40 HPV types that affect the genital area, at least 15 types are known to be oncogenic or cancer causative (Armstrong, 2010). Based on clinical trials, HPV vaccination is effective against the occurrence of precancerous lesions and according to Armstrong (2010), studies of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine revealed a 98% protection against high-grade precancerous lesions, whereas for bivalent HPV vaccine 93% efficacy has been demonstrated in females to HPV 16 and 18 who completed the 3-dose vaccine series prior to engaging in any type of sexual actitivities. Cook et al (2010), acknowledges that there is no research available on long term efficiency of vaccines and also not everyone who initiates the vaccine series completes all 3 doses or completes all doses in the recommended 6-month ti me frame; this noncompliance and
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