Saturday, February 1, 2020

Applied business research-week 9 and week 10 Essay

Applied business research-week 9 and week 10 - Essay Example Salary depends on age and years since they are within the .05 significance level. However, it does not depend on beauty. Hence, beauty is an irrelevant factor in salary determination and can as well be eliminated. Age is normally distributed since its skewness is .362 while its kurtosis is 3.49. Moreover, years is normally distributed since its skewness is .348 while its kurtosis is .536. similarly, beauty is normally distributed as it has a skewness of -.004 and kurtosis is .480 values that are close to zero. 7. The R2 is .184. This value indicates the proportion of variance in the salary_2 that can be explained by beauty, years and age in the model. Apparently, beauty, years and age, which are the independent variables, explain 18.4% of the variability of salary_2, which is the dependent variable. 9. Age and years are significant coefficients as their p value is less than .05. Every increase of an average of 1 year in the number of years that a woman is a model is associated with 0.9% increase in

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